Cathy Young: Rape Culture in the West is as Real as ‘Witchcraft in Salem’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Late last month, Emma Sulkowicz (aka Mattress Girl) was given the Woman of Courage award by the National Organization of Women. I discussed the case and the general effect of “rape culture” hysteria recently with Cathy Young, whose article “Columbia Student: I Didn’t Rape Her” was one of the first to cast doubt on the Mattress Girl’s narrative.
It's an extremely circular argument, and it reminds me a little bit of arguments that were being made during the Salem Witch Hunts. The idea was that if you denied the existence of witchcraft, that inherently made you a suspect. Because, you know, why would anyone deny the existence of witchcraft unless they were with the witches and wanted to help them get away with it? So it is really a very similar argument.

I know that we can all say that, well, rape really exists. And we know today that witches did not exist, but rape does. To which I would say yeah, absolutely, rape exists. But I don’t think “rape culture” in modern Western society is any more real than witchcraft was in Salem.'

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