Falsely Accused Teen Finally Gets Bail After 801 Days in Jail

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Men’s Rights Group of Arizona LLC has been following the Tyler Kost case for some time and attended at least one court hearing in 2015. This case has rocked Arizona for over two years and just recently new information has emerged leading many to believe as many as 13 teen girls lied to put him in jail under false pretenses. If you haven’t heard about the allegations against Tyler Kost let me give you a brief summary up to two days ago.

Tyler was a 18 year old teenager attending Poston Butte High School just outside of Florence Arizona. One day many of Tyler’s ex girlfriends allegedly plotted to seek revenge against him for being “a player” and felt justified in their own brand of revenge according to news reports.'

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the other day while trying to get a nap in front of the teevee I heard a nat'l geo story about the 50,000+ (mostly) women who were crucified, burned, hanged and drowned early in our country's history. seems their crime of witchcraft caused untold misery to other female residents, who swore under oath, and by the dozens how these witches had puzzled and bedeviled their minds. the woman the ng story was following had a dozen women/girls stand up in court and swear, act crazy and generally carry on as they were having their minds tortured by the witch in chains, even while in court.

lucky for them they had a sympathetic ear from the all male judiciary who promptly hanged the poor elderly woman in the story. 50,000 is a LOT of women, especially in a newly settled country.

isn't it odd how once a man is accused, especially a rich man, how many women immediately crawl out of the woodwork supporting their 'sisters' in crime? in football its called 'piling on', and there is a penalty involved, unlike in our litigious free stuff society.

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