Men’s Rights Facebook Page A Voice For Men Removed On Day Of Annual Conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaking to a crowd at the International Conference on Men’s Issues in the ExCel Centre in London, Paul Elam revealed that the Facebook page for “A Voice For Men,” one of the organising groups for the event, has been unpublished by the social network on the second day of the conference.

The timing for the unpublishing could not be any worse for the group, as they are now unable to publish post-conference articles and summaries of the event. It may have just be a coincidence, but a co-ordinated mass reporting operation could also have been the cause – so far, no group has come forward to take responsibility for the removal of the page.

After having amassed around 35,000 likes on the social media platform, the page was deleted for having “violated community standards” – it was not revealed what exact regulation was violated, and Elam was adamant that they had done nothing wrong.

This follows a series of other conservative, right-leaning, or otherwise anti-social justice or “offensive” pages being unpublished by Facebook. The Meninist page was removed this week, with the eventual reason given being that their profile photo somehow violated standards that the website had set, even after the administrators of the page had removed all of their content as a defence against such action from the company.'

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