"There’s No Hiring Bias Against Women In Tech, They Just Suck At Interviews"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The tech industry is plagued by guilt about the lack of women in its technical teams — and everywhere else. But new data suggests that there’s no hiring bias against them. Women might just suck at job interviews, according to a new report by an interview matchmaking service.

Interviewing.io, a service which allows interviewers and interviewees to match up online and conduct interviews based on their communication skills recently set out to fix the “gender gap in tech” by creating a voice changer that would allow interviewees to mask their voice, and in turn their gender, in an attempt to tackle bigoted interviewers.

What the study revealed – to the shock of the feminists who organized it – was that women underperform in job interviews even when the interviewer believes them to be male.'

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