"A Woman President Will Expose the Ugly Underbelly Of Blatant Sexism In A Whole New Way"

Article here. Excerpt:

'If Hillary Clinton wins in November, incidents of sexism and misogyny will not fall by the wayside; they’ll ascend to new heights (or descend to new depths). And the funny-not-funny thing of it is the sexist misogynists will insist that there’s no more sexism and misogyny. They’ll be more than happy to explain it to you, too. They’ll beat you over the head with it until you want to fucking scream. And that’s their goal. They want you to scream and yell; and then they’ll call you hysterical and unreasonable. Because in their archaic minds, their male-dominant superiority will be confirmed.

The sexists will make any and every attempt to quell the feminist army, who will refuse to live under the mistaken belief that everything is 100 percent equal. And when I say feminist army, I’m not describing an army of women; I’m describing an army of women and men who get it. We get that rape culture exists, and it needs to be eradicated. We get that women (and men) do not have constitutional protection against gender discrimination. We get that a woman president won’t mean automatic gender equality — in fact, we get that it will agitate the sexists just as much as a black president agitated racists. And the sexists will protest. They’ll be loud, obnoxious and they’ll firmly believe they have the moral high ground. In other words, America will begin to resemble a feminist Facebook page, complete with brigades of trolls, mansplainers and mansplaining trolls.'

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... and feminists are pre-complaining about any objection to her performance in office.

Wow, it's a new level of howling. It's in a class of its own. A feminist is complaining about complaining that hasn't even happened yet!


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I read things like this a lot.

It is so poorly written.

First: the foul language. She uses "fucking scream," "fuck themselves," and "bullshit" in a very short essay.

She rambles: "They will argue and argue and argue."
(Good God, she is worse than Dickens --- adding useless words.)

She offers no evidence.

She is redundant: "complete with brigades of trolls, mansplainers and mansplaining trolls" (Does she thinks she is being witty?)

She THINKS she is referencing an exchange with GLoria Steinem on a TV show, but offers NO EVIDENCE. I am shocked that Huffington Post allowed that item.

She sounds totally hysterical.

The issue to note is that as the beast called feminism dies, we will see more of this: essays by student who majored in gender studies and now cannot get jobs. They rehash essays and become hysterical.

I think she is suffering from a mental disease.

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