"Father's Day should be reserved for real men only"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Father's Day should be reserved for real men only. I won't waste my time bashing deadbeat dads who are scum but for some of us, they helped create us. Unlike Mother's Day, Father's Day is a somber time for most. It is a somber time because most fathers are not involved with their children.

This may be reluctantly or due to incarceration. Death can be an instance as well, although some have such a bad experience with their fathers that they may as well be dead. What's worse is when you have a father in the home who is not living up to the role that God gave him.

A real father loves his children unconditionally and does his very best to make sure they are provided for. A real father provides emotional support for his children by being that non-judgmental listening ear. What puts the icing on the cake is when a real father is not biologically related to the children, exemplifying these qualities.'

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". . . most fathers are not involved with their children"

Most? Really? Citation needed.

"A real father loves his children unconditionally and does his very best to make sure they are provided for. A real father provides emotional support for his children by being that non-judgmental listening ear."

Good to know I'm doing it right! Wow, that's the second time in a week a woman has told me how to be a father, and then went on to describe exactly what I'm doing. Good to know that there's no shortage of catty women out there to lecture us men in such a patronizing fashion. Makes me think that mansplaining is all projection.

I agree, though. Father's Day is for real men only, which is why we should pay no mind to this smart-ass woman's comments, no matter how manly she may think she is.

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