This Georgia Lawmaker Is a Champion for College Men Accused of Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Earl Ehrhart is worried about his sons. Both boys attend Georgia public universities, and Ehrhart, a state representative from the Atlanta suburbs, has heard all about the college sexual-misconduct hearings in which young men are presumed guilty until proven innocent. The proceedings are flawed, he says, they're like "kangaroo courts." And their rulings are so biased against the accused, Ehrhart fears that his boys—as with male students across the state—could end up expelled based on a false accusation of rape.

That's why, in April, the Republican lawmaker and his wife sued the US Department of Education and its Office for Civil Rights, arguing that federal guidelines for how colleges should adjudicate sexual assault cases are biased against men. According to the Ehrharts, the guidelines have made it easy for universities to "micromanage student sex lives" and "brand more students 'rapists.'" The result? "Severe, unwarranted and permanent damages to male students." If either of the boys were to be accused of sexual assault, they said, the consequences for their family could be dire: "The money [the Ehrharts] have saved for college tuition and expenses could be lost, and their son’s reputation and career prospects irreparably damaged."'

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