Pakistan: Troubled dads in Hyderabad fight for visitation rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'While children across the world are preparing to celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, a few fathers in Hyderabad are fighting to simply meet their children.

Fathers who are victims of dowry harassment and maintenance cases and who want a hand in raising their children, allege that their wives do not even allow them to meet their children despite crystal clear court orders that support meetings.

Our society, which responds immediately when a woman faces trouble from her husband, turns a blind eye on such husbands, who are deprived of their basic right to meet their children at least once a week — which is crucial if the fathers want to develop a bond with their children.

Around 50 fathers under Share-A-Childhood foundation staged a two-hour-long protest at Basheerbagh on Saturday. The members said that parental alienation had become a big concern as more than 1,000 divorce cases were being filed in city courts every month.'

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