Father’s Day a reminder to act against domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the invaluable role fathers play in the lives of their children. As a father of five, this holiday is undeniably special to me. It provides an opportunity to appreciate the incomparable bond between my children and me.

Father’s Day is a rare occasion when your kids have your undivided attention, so it’s important to make intentional use of the quality time.

A father’s role extends far beyond playing pitcher for the tee-ball team, or chasing monsters from the closet. Because children are so easily molded by the behavior around them, a father is responsible for telling and showing his children how to respect, communicate and empathize with others.

As your children get older, Father’s Day becomes an opportunity to start important conversations about issues they will be exposed to in the coming years. Unfortunately, domestic violence is one of those issues.

Men are the most common perpetrators of domestic violence. Nationally, one in four women will experience domestic violence. That number is more than a startling statistic. It’s an alarming reality.'

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I won't pay any notice to domestic violence organizations that claim that men commit nearly all domestic violence. This is a hateful lie that has been debunked for decades now. If you want to make a difference, start by acknowledging the half of the problem you've chosen to willfully ignore.

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