Republicans Should Man Up On Fatherlessness

Article here. Excerpt:

'Leslie Loftis recently asked “Fatherlessness: What are Republican’s Doing About It?” which decried the existence of “Court created Fatherlessness.” Historically, between 33 percent and 50 percent of children whose family experiences divorce lose complete contact with one parent within 3 years. Using the low estimate, U.S. Family Courts create a fatherless child every single minute of every single day.

These laws also contribute to the decline in marriage rates. As Dr. Helen Smith told Fox & Friends, the out of balance risk has caused some men to walk away from marriage altogether. These men then share their horrific experience in family courts with their sons who are justifiably worried about what divorce might do to them. Is it then surprising, men view marriage as less important?
Yet national politicians have no understanding. Former U.S. Representative George Radanovich wrote in 2014:

“0 percent of the 537 elected federal officials in Washington D.C. fully understand the relationship between the fatherless child and government costs; that dedicated parenting is essential to the pursuit of happiness and the lack thereof is the common denominator of the runaway cost of government”."'

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