Justice’s War on the Law and Y Chromosomes

Letter here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'The Journal is right to criticize the Obama administration’s attack on due process on campus (“Punishment Without Evidence on Campus,” Review & Outlook, June 7). Constitutional violations will result from its pressure on colleges to impose “provisional suspensions for [those] accused” (of sexual assault) before anyone has even “examined the evidence.”

The Obama Justice Department also wrongly demanded “interim measures” against students who were accused of sexual harassment, but had not been found guilty of anything, such as barring them from libraries and dining halls where they might encounter an accuser. If exclusion from key areas on campus can be triggered by a harassment complaint over nothing more than a dirty joke or a criticism of feminism, the chilling effect on speech will be huge. Yet the Justice Department demanded that the University of New Mexico investigate as “harassment” all “unwelcome” sexual speech, even though many examples of such speech are protected by the First Amendment under court rulings like D eJohn v. Temple University (2008).'

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