Planned Parenthood Blames ‘Toxic Masculinity’ for Orlando Attack

Article here. Excerpt:

'Planned Parenthood Action’s black community outreach arm is blaming the Orlando terrorist attack on “toxic masculinity.”

Shortly after the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub, a popular gay bar, the Twitter account claiming to represent Parenthood Black Community tweeted its own theories about the motivation behind the attack. Planned Parenthood Black Community alleged the attack was due to “toxic masculinity” and “imperialist homophobia,” while simultaneously claiming it has nothing to do with Islam:
Planned Parenthood Black Community explained, stating, “Toxic masculinity enables rapists & rape culture, violent heterosexism & attacks on reproductive freedom”:'

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So ppl who are pro-life are in the same category as terrorists and their opinion arises from "toxic masculinity"?

Hey, when a woman murders her newborn, is it insanity or "toxic femininity" that is responsible? Most feminists these days won't even call such a woman insane. They might instead say the "poor woman" was under great stress and did the only thing she could to relieve it, and probably her husband somehow is actually to blame.

Planned Parenthood way overplays its hand. It might attract a lot less disdain if they didn't sound off stupidly when such is uncalled for.

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(This is not intended to support or not support Clinton or Obama: it is merely an observation.)

Obama and Clinton (and their supporters) refuse to utter the words "Radical Islam" -- which would condemn a group of people based on religion.

Yet they have no problem with "toxic masculinity"

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One of the goals of Planned Parenthood is to get into as many public schools as possible. They already have clinics on some high school campuses (federally funded, I believe). They also provide much of the material for sex ed in the younger grades. One more reason to question whether public school is really a safe place for boys.

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