Malecare: Your advocacy restored Federal Prostate Cancer Research Funding

Via email:

June 9, 2016 - The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to approve its FY17 Labor-HHS Appropriations bill earlier today, with only one senator, Bill Cassidy (R-LA), voting against the bill. Funding for the Centers for Disease Control's Prostate Cancer activities program was restored!!!  Thanks to all of Malecare's Patient Advocacy Leaders and ALL of You who sent emails and made phone calls to the Senate Appropriations Committee.  

Malecare was the lead organization in fighting for the restoration of CDC Prostate Cancer program funding.  Which means, you made this happen!

While the full Senate must vote it's approval, it is entirely unlikely that anyone will actually stand up in the Senate and speak specifically to remove CDC prostate cancer funding.  Since we have won this battle in the Senate Appropriations Committee, we have won this battle overall.  I mention this in case, as happened in previous years, some self proclaimed advocates or organizations try to confuse you by saying the battle is not yet over.  That is akin to saying the presidential election is not decided in November, but rather when the electoral college meets in January.  Don't be fooled or frightened.  Please feel encouraged to email me if you have any concerns or questions.  Meanwhile, lift a glass of cheer .... your advocacy has been effective and important prostate cancer research will continue to be funded.

With pride and gratitude,

Darryl Mitteldorf

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