CPI Launches New Program to Curb Wrongful Convictions of Sexual Assault

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Today the Center for Prosecutor Integrity is launching a new initiative designed to address the over-criminalization of sexual conduct and to end wrongful convictions of sexual assault. The new program comes on the heels of a recent report on sex offender registries that concludes, “Black men are being convicted of sex crimes in alarming numbers.”

The Wrongful Convictions of Sexual Assault Program features informational resources for attorneys, researchers, policymakers, and concerned citizens. The resources address Prosecutorial Misconduct in Sex Crime Cases and the American Law Institute Model Penal Code, and features an Exoneree Honor Roll that lists the names of hundreds of persons exonerated of sexual assault. The online resource also provides a compilation of law review articles, empirical research studies, and other resources.'

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