Has Political Correctness In Australia Gone Mad?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here’s what happened…

Aitken sent an email around saying the appointment of ANZ’s new Chief Financial Officer was one of the dumber appointments he’d seen. He went on to point out that former investment bankers don’t usually transition to life at a listed company too well.

He also mentioned that the last deal this person advised on was the purchase by legal firm Slater and Gordon of the UK-based Quindell for $1 billion. Thanks to that deal, Slater and Gordon is now in tatters.

That’s hardly the fault of an investment banker. The decision and responsibility rests with the board of the acquiring company — in this case Slater and Gordon. But still, as a broker, Aitken is entitled to his opinion.

The problem for Aitken is that the person he criticised is a woman. Despite making no reference to her personally, or her gender, ANZ didn’t see it that way.

ANZ’s head of ‘corporate communications’, Paul Edwards, sent a tweet, with Aitken’s email attached, saying, ‘Sexism alive + well in stockbroking?’

It’s a ridiculous assertion, and now Aitken has lost his job. This is pure censorship by ANZ, and shows how political correctness has gone mad in this country.'

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