Gaming Journos Throw Temper Tantrum over ‘Minecraft’ Creator Notch Arguing with Feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The creator of Minecraft is currently under fire for disagreeing with feminists on Twitter.

No fewer than four separate online news outlets have decided to publicly deride Markus “Notch” Persson for his extremely controversial stance that “women and men have equal worth and should be treated as such.” Unfortunately for the enraged hordes, he does not believe that includes perpetuating terminology like “manspreading,” or “mansplaining.” For these crimes against humanity, the courageous reporters at Destructoid, Vice, Point&Clickbait, and We Hunted The Mammoth have decided that he must be shamed.

The argument continued for hundreds of tweets from countless people for and against each respective statement, including dozens of replies from Persson himself, further explaining his position and asserting that “no one should EVER ‘shut up and listen.'” In a movement ostensibly dedicated to end the silencing of people based on blanket judgments and assumptions about their character based on their gender or the color of their skin, you’d be forgiven for thinking that is a point on which they could find common ground. But you’d be very, tragically, wrong.

Let’s be clear: This simple exchange has prompted ugliness from all sides, because this is the internet. Yet it’s the core of the exchange that has prompted Notch’s increasingly derisive and sarcastic responses, and it’s hard to blame him when faux-journalists have initiated — albeit clumsily — an attempt to humiliate him for his point of view.'

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