Student Group Questions Validity of Campus Rape Statistics

Article here. Excerpt:

'A guest speaker for the UCSB Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) on Wednesday spoke against commonly held beliefs regarding sexual assault on college campuses.

Guest Speaker Andrew Cavarno, a fourth-year history major and member of Young Americans for Liberty, argued that a frequently referenced statistic of one in four women being sexually assaulted on college campuses is heavily inflated and lacking in evidence.

“There is absolutely no evidence of a rape epidemic on college campuses,” Cavarno said. “The word epidemic implies that there’s a sudden wave of sexual violence, or that things are getting worse – this is just not the case.”

YAL originally intended the event to be a panel discussion featuring speakers from differing sides of the argument. Pointing to an empty chair beside him, Cavarno emphasized that no one with an opposing view was present to make the case for the statistic, even after having sent out “hundreds of emails.”
Cavarno argued that while sexual assault on campuses is an important issue, the current system infringes upon due process rights.'

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I'm surprised he was allowed to speak.

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Bet next time he tries to speak there, the SJW Goon Squad shows up to disrupt it.

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