Daily Caller News Foundation UVA Jackie May Have Just Been Caught In Another Big Lie

Article here. Excerpt:

'New evidence submitted in an ongoing lawsuit against Rolling Stone suggest that the legal team of Jackie Coakley, the University of Virginia (UVA) student responsible for a massive gang rape hoax, has been withholding evidence from an ongoing lawsuit. The withheld evidence offers strong evidence of what has long been suspected: That Coakley’s infamous fake gang-rape was concocted as part of a convoluted catfishing scheme to win a boy’s affection.

The new evidence is part of the ongoing defamation lawsuit filed by UVA dean Nicole Eramo against Rolling Stone magazine. While Eramo is not suing Coakley directly, she has played a major role in the case, as Eramo’s lawyers argue Coakley is an egregious serial liar Rolling Stone should have known not to trust. As part of their suit, Eramo’s attorneys have successfully subpoenaed Coakley for all the relevant communications she made during the fall of 2012, when her alleged rape supposedly occurred.'

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