No, there is no such thing as ‘mansplaining’

Article here. To jump the paywall, Google the third paragraph. Excerpt:

'ATTN has released a video explaining what “mansplaining”’ is, along with a call for men to stop talking over women.

The opening slide greets you with the sterling words of wisdom “Talking over women is not OK.”

It is unfortunate for the 9,870,000 people who have watched it to date that there is no such thing as “mansplaining”. The uncomfortable truism is that plenty of people talk over others. It’s called bad manners.

Plenty of people talk in a patronising fashion. The word you’re looking for is ­inconsiderate. There are a plethora of other words you could choose from if you flick through the existing dictionary such as insulting, ignorant or discourteous.

Neither good nor bad manners are gender exclusive and suggesting that this is the case certainly doesn’t inspire progress and integration.
For healthy debate to flourish and tackle the important issues facing society isn’t it correct that members of both sexes are represented? Don’t you lose half your support by making critical ­issues “the other side’s ­problem”? No man can freely express themselves if they speak in fear of being accused of mansplaining which is, I would suggest, as prevalent as femsplaining. In the real world however, the word for both is patronising. If you can’t handle someone impassioned of the opposite sex speaking to you, stay home.'

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