The Problem With Sheryl Sandberg’s Ivory Tower Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s nothing more insufferable than an ivory tower feminist who insists on forcing the world into a box — her box. Facebook COO-turned social justice warrior Sheryl Sandberg is on a mission. Sandberg made clear her feminist agenda several years ago, when she announced this to a group of college graduates (and later reiterated in her Lean In campaign): “A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes.”

A lofty goal, indeed — one that demands a complete restructuring of the way America operates. And so began Sandberg’s true occupation (because clearly, running Facebook isn’t it): to upend human nature and to change the world, one campaign at a time.

To begin, she insists that girls who are bossy — as Sandberg says she once was (and hello, still is) — are misunderstood. Parents and teachers should encourage these girls’ obnoxious behavior because curbing it will stifle their leadership spirit and keep them from being successful like Sandberg. Hence, Sandberg, in her infinite wisdom, began a campaign to ban the word “bossy.”

That wasn’t enough, though. Sandberg then went on to insist that America has a “toddler-wage gap,” what with the gender-stereotyped manner in which we parents raise our kids. It seems parents are part of the reason there’s a pay differential between women and men. How so? We’re teaching our boys to take out the trash and teaching our girls to set the table. And since the former takes longer than the latter, parents are sending a message to boys that they don’t have to work as hard as girls do on the home front. Clearly, this leads to women dropping out of the workforce later in life to tend to matters at home.

Which is a problem, since home is the last place feminists want women to be. Women should be out running the world instead because, clearly, men suck at it.'

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