These High School Kids Created An Awesome Prom Photo. Then The Left Stepped In.

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of adorable high school boys wore superhero t-shirts under their tuxes on prom night, matching their date’s dress. A photo was taken of the girls smiling back at the camera as they open their date's vests to reveal the superhero logo on their t-shirts. The sweet photo that no one could possibly be offended by--or so one would think--was posted to Twitter.

Then a social justice war-waging Leftist came in to suck the fun right out of the awesome prom photo by railing against its “sexist” undertones and comparing it to a lynching done by the KKK.
Apparently, young high school boys and girls consensually posing for a cute superhero-themed prom picture is abundantly sexist. If only Superman or Batman were in a dress, then modernity would have won and sexism would have been defeated. Damn archaic gender roles!

The video game designer further explained the blatant sexism: "The men as heroes, the women as subservient. Not a single female hero. The men serious/in thought, the women only all smiles," he complained.'

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