War on College Men: Fraternity Supports Women – Feminists Freak Out

Article here. Excerpt:

'Northwestern University fraternities thought they were doing the right and noble thing, hanging banners off the sides of their houses reminding students that it was Sex Assault Awareness Month.

But not only was the move not enough to satisfy campus social justice warriors, some SJWs forced the fraternities to issue a blanket apology for their effort, because their signs might have “triggered” some students.
But apparently, simply recognizing sexual violence as a problem and informing your fellow students about the dangers of campus sexual assault—something campus feminists have been exhorting (and, in some ways, extorting) their fellow college students to do ad nauseum —is not enough to silence the clamoring harpy hordes.

Campus feminists published an op-ed, chastising the fraternities for their lack of self awareness in daring to address a “rampant” problem head on, and calling the banners nothing more than a “cruel reminder” that fraternities are cesspools of male privilege and impropriety. Activists even gave interviews to Northwestern’s student newspaper. “To display a banner [saying] that ‘We support survivors’ is really something you have to earn by actually walking the walk,” one student told the Daily Northwestern.'

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... that feminists/SJWs cannot be placated, nor is it wise to try. Not, that is, if one is *inherently un-PC*. And there are few groups of persons who are as un-PC as fraternity boys.

Not only is playing along with these whackos disingenuous for anyone with a semblance of critical thinking skills to do, but it not only encourages them to continue to be nuts, it is diminishing to oneself. Rolling over for these types is utimately a waste of time as well as being self-defeating. And, you set a bad example to others. Giving in to bullies only makes the bullies more aggressive and worse still, makes them think they're justified. And that poorly serves them, too. Everybody loses.

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Nothing is ever good enough!

I'm convinced feminists don't want their issues to be resolved. They want to keep fighting, and they never want the fight to end.

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... feminism is about power: power over men with the aim of using said power to destroy men socially, culturally, and finally, physically.

Feminism moved past mere voting and inheritance rights decades ago. That's ancient history. There's a far more broad, sweeping agenda now at work.

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