Fifty Shades of Red Tape: When Bureaucrats Regulate Your Sex Life
Article here. Excerpt:
'Remember when liberals used to say, “Just keep the government out of the bedroom?” Who would’ve thought those were the good ol’ days? Out-of-control government bureaucrats are regulating more and more as they strangle the freedom out of every aspect of life.
Now, liberals are teaming up with two of their favorite groups – bureaucrats and trial lawyers – to try to pass regulations that could make every single one of us a rapist in the eyes of the law.
That’s right – the regulations are now coming to bedrooms across America. In just a few weeks, the American Law Institute – an organization of lawyers who lobby federal, state, and local governments to pass their model laws – will vote on whether to make “affirmative consent” laws a part of the model penal code.
So what are “affirmative consent” laws? These laws require you to explicitly ask and receive clear consent before engaging in every step of sexual activity. Thus far, they’ve only been passed in coastal states and only apply to college students. But the American Law Institute is dangerously flirting with the idea that these laws should apply to everyone, everywhere.'
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