Students Warned: Police Only Exist To Protect White Male Privilege

Article here. Excerpt:

'A poster campaign at Missouri State University sought to privilege-shame students for being straight, white, male, Christian or able-bodied (among other characteristics) and informed students that the police only exist to protect white men.

The posters were sponsored by the university’s student government and Residence Hall Association (RHA) and reportedly went up inside a dorm Saturday morning before being removed on Sunday night in the face of backlash from students on Twitter. The Daily Caller obtained pictures of six of the posters from an MSU student before they were taken down.

Each poster included an example of “privilege” above the phrase “Check your privilege” and a checklist of different categories of privilege, including: Christian privilege, class privilege, white privilege, male privilege, able-bodied privilege, cisgender privilege and heterosexual privilege.

Each poster also included a definition of privilege in the lower right-hand corner: “unearned access to social power based on membership in a dominant social group.”

“If you’re confident that the police exist to protect you, you have white male privilege,” one poster read. Beneath it, “white” and “male” were both checked off in the list of privileges.'

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