Father jailed for non-payment of support for kids he supports and lives with

Story here. Excerpt:

'On Friday, April 29th, parents from across New Jersey will join together in Hackensack to show support and solidarity for Henry Peisch, a 56-year-old Bergen County Father of seven children. Henry Peisch has been incarcerated in the Bergen County Jail since April 8th for failure to pay court ordered child and spousal support.

A march for Henry will be held across from the Courthouse steps around the ‘Green’ on Court Street at 3:30pm. The march coincides with the Bergen Vicinage’s celebration of Law Day.

What is most concerning about the case of Henry Peisch is that only one child currently lives with the Mother, yet Henry is ordered to pay his ex-wife support for four children plus $581 per week in spousal support.

Over the years that have passed since Henry was divorced, the court has one-by-one reversed its custody ruling - removing the children from the Mother and granting custody to Henry. The stories of how this came to pass are heart wrenching and the emotional toll that process has taken on the family immeasurable. The court, however, now has turned a blind eye and is seeking only to enforce an outdated order that fails to reflect the reality this family faces.'

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