Cannes Artistic Director on Festival's Lack of Female Directors: "Do Not Blame Cannes"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rose McGowan shared an idea for the rest of the lineup. "Those 17 who are not women should be forced to walk down the red carpet in high heels," she told The Hollywood Reporter, referencing the fest's "flatgate" controversy last year, during which it was rumored that women would be required to wear heels on the Croisette. "There are so many levels of embedded misogyny that people don't even realize; it starts with, 'You have to wear high heels,' and goes to 'We don't accept you as a filmmaker.'"

"The reality is, most of these men are not great," McGowan continued. "What's good now is considered 'great,' and what's mediocre is considered 'good.' That has to change."

With a hopeful smile, she added, "I figure, if the boys aren't doing it right, step aside."'

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... replace them with what, non-existent female directors?

I've seen films directed by ppl of both sexes. Some have been good, some not so good. I have yet to see any evidence though that female directors categorically produce better films than male ones.

But I guess if one defines a "good" film as one directed by a female, then ratings for films becomes less about the film and more about who directed it. That hardly seems reasonable, now does it?

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