Preferring to watch men’s sports over women’s is indicative of a ‘societal, cultural bias’

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’re a sports fan (like me) who likes to watch the very best athletes engaged in the highest level of competition, then Daniela Brighenti’s recent article in the Yale Daily News won’t make a lot of sense to you.

Desiring to watch the best sporting events, you see, is merely a “societal (and cultural) bias” against women.'

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Biology makes the difference between genders not social construct especially when it comes to physical ability.

I'm a female, I love sports. I mosly watch male sports, because I like watching the best of the best athletes.

I also used to work for an NBA team and be around lots of NBA players. They would give us free tickets to the WNBA games and encourage us to go. They encourage NBA players to "be seen" at the WNBA games, but there is only so much basketball one can watch.

Anyway to say someone is sexist for not watching female sports is just wrong. There are plenty of sports leagues. If one does not watch every league does that mean they are prejudice, biased or wrong in some way? I don't think so.

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