‘He did it because he likes you’: Confronting ad addresses domestic violence at the start

Article here. Excerpt:

'WE OPEN on a young girl at a family gathering. A young boy, aged 10, rushes past with two friends — the girl follows.

As he walks through a doorway with two other young boys, he lets them pass through first before slamming it closed on the girl behind him, spilling her food.

Through a window in the door we see the boy smile cheekily. This girl’s mother helps her pick up her plate and consoles her.

“You’re OK, he just did it cause he likes you,” mum says.

This is the opening scene of the first video advertisement in the government’s new media blitz to combat disrespect towards women.

The one minute clip shows a series of scenes demonstrating accepted and casual sexist behaviour.

In one scene a boy’s father is seen to shout to his son not to “throw like a girl”. In another a trio of male teens snigger at a photo they take of a woman’s breasts.

The hard to watch ad ends with the same 10-year-old boy from the first scene as a grown man committing full blown domestic assault.'

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Maybe men rape because our current culture constantly shows disrespect towards men--in authoritative videos, not just in casual remarks. If saying "you throw like a girl" can lead to rape, maybe saying "even little boys men are rapists" can lead to rape. It's what's called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And maybe women rape and commit domestic violence because of videos like these, which encourage women to think of all men--even little boys--as inherently evil. It's okay for a teacher to have sex with her student. It's okay to slap and beat men. They deserve it. And if he strikes back--well, he's the bad guy, as we all know.

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