Pro vs con: Ryerson students debate validity of men's issues groups on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'They say that freedom of expression is dead on campus, and we’ve witnessed it first-hand.

We’re trying to seek justice, as we believe it is our right to contribute to the campus culture, and our responsibility to talk about men’s issues.

This is larger than our group.

Today, boys are failing in school and literacy rates are dropping. Men are committing suicide at disproportionate rates, dissuaded by the lack of support available to them. Other issues that often affect men and boys include homelessness, workplace injuries and death, lack of parental rights, and the increase in children being raised without fathers. Why is our attempt to explore these valid issues met with such hostility?

Our group started as a response to the lack of attention that these issues garner, from society and from institutions like Ryerson. We wanted to create a safe environment for open and honest discussion of men’s issues, but our student union has succeeded in silencing our voices, under the pretense that we are creating an unsafe environment for women on campus. We believe that actions speak louder than words, and our actions have done nothing to justify these claims.'

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