‘No Men Beyond This Point’ Imagines A World Without Dudes & Somehow, It Looks Pretty Bad

Article here. Excerpt:

'We’re all for a good misandry joke, but No Men Beyond This Point looks like a “Funny or Die” video stretched into 80 minutes. Sony just released the trailer for this sci-fi-ish mockumentary, which premiered at the prestigious Toronto Film Festival last year, and it’s somewhat dire. In the film, 37-year-old Andrew Myers (Patrick Gilmore) is the protagonist; he’s the youngest dude in the world, as well as the housekeeper for an all-female family.

The trailer itself doesn’t give away much of the narrative; for that, we had to turn to the official TIFF guide, which actually makes the movie sound slightly more interesting. Women have evolved to reproduce asexually, and a new world order is in place that outlaws sex (between men and woman, obvs) and sends men off to so-called sanctuaries. When Andrew starts hooking up with one of the women he nannies for, it wreaks havoc on the household and could spell trouble for the female-only future.'


No Men Beyond This Point - OFFICIAL TRAILER

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... does it explain in the movie how the things needed to maintain civilization get done with so few men around (and those men marginalized, too)?

Who is maintaining the roads, building the buildings, generating power, maintaining infrastructure, collecting garbage?

Please don't suggest these things are all being done now by women. I don't believe it.

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