SAVE: Colleges Grapple with Wave of Sexual Assault Lawsuits
Press release here. Excerpt:
'Following a recent California ruling in favor of a student accused of sexual misconduct, state lawmakers and college administrators are beginning to consider the budgetary implications of these claims. On April 5 the California Second Appellate District Superior Court overturned a University of Southern California decision that found a male student responsible because he allegedly “encouraged or permitted” other students to slap a female student on her buttocks. The Superior Court explained, “it is not too heavy a burden to require that students facing disciplinary action be informed of the factual basis for the charges against them."
The University of Southern California decision is the eighth ruling in 2016 in which a court found in favor of a student accused of sexual assault. The other rulings involved lawsuits against Brandeis University, Brown University, Cornell University, George Mason University, Indiana University, James Madison University, and Pennsylvania State University.'
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