Navy Secretary to Marines: Women in Combat Is Irreversible

Article here. Excerpt:

'Four of the seven questions that Mabus took were about women in combat. Others were more interested in his thoughts on Iraq and the future size of the Marine Corps.

One questioner asked for his thoughts on drafting women. He said he supports the idea but it's a decision for Congress. Another wanted to know how quickly women would be fully integrated into combat jobs.

"I think it won't happen all in one day," Mabus said. "It'll be relatively gradual but the decision's been made."

Gunnery Sgt. Janet Marrufo, 31, said Mabus' simple message was effective.'

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This is an old question from the 60s but I do wonder how many women will actually volunteer to serve in combat. A few will, of course, but accommodating those few will still require big changes.

The scuttlebutt is that morale among male soldiers is falling--not just because women are coming, but because they're tired of being treated as rapists or fear being accused of sexual wrongdoing by a female soldier. Any accusation can end a soldier's career, even if false. Based on what's happening on college campuses, soldiers have valid reasons for concern. But soldiers don't just get expelled--they get court martialed. And we don't even know if women can do the job.

The military now has classes in "unconscious bias"--which used to be called common sense.

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