A broader role for women in the military, Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some members of Congress, the Marine Corps commandant and the Army’s chief of staff have proposed that women register for the draft. If the proposal is approved, women will join men ages 18 to 25 years in being required to register with the Selective Service System.

No one has been drafted in the United States since 1973, but a list is kept to help hedge against unforeseen threats. The government further explains that, “By registering all eligible men, Selective Service ensures a fair and equitable draft, if required.”
If specific roles require abilities that only one sex possesses, it makes sense to limit those roles to the appropriate sex. But how many such roles are there? Women can fly planes, guide drones, target enemies, analyze strategy and perform almost any task required by the military. In fact, in matters of endurance, for example, or in the capacity for detail work, they may on average surpass men. Hence, the refusal to treat women and men equally with respect to a military draft is but a hangover from our historical practices of gender discrimination.'

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