9 signs you’re a man-hater

Article here. Excerpt:

'When hearing from women about dating and relationship challenges, I’m often stunned at all the man-hating out there. Lots of women HATE dudes. When confronted, most insist they do not. But you do. You totally do!

Why does it matter? Because you’re full of hate. It’s not like hate for trans fat, or public smoking or even Republicans, because you have a choice about how you vote. This is hating half of the human race. It is hating half of your own DNA. It is hating all of your male relatives and friends and any man you may consider. This means you even hate Tom Hanks and nobody hates Tom Hanks. Except there is something he shares with half the population– and that is his manhood.
1. You speak about men in gross generalizations — and it’s always super-negative.
2. You hate all your exes.
3. All your breakups were his fault.
4. You lecture your son on how to be a better man.
5. You lecture your daughter on what to avoid in a man — ad nauseam.
6. When you spend time with a man you spend the while time nitpicking, correcting and insist on doing everything yourself.
7. You have a feminist chip on your shoulder.
8. Your favorite way to flirt with a man is to argue with him.
9. You can’t let him lead.'

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