Feminist chickens come home to roost at the Ghomeshi trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Ghomeshi trial has to have been a giant embarrassment for Ottawa law professor and hard-core feminist Elizabeth Sheehy. In 2013, Sheehy published a book, Defending Battered Women on Trial. In it, Sheehy proposed that women who experience extreme abuse from their male partners should have the right to kill them pre-emptively – in their sleep, say – without fear of being charged with murder.

According to Sheehy, women in abusive relationships are like prisoners of war, for whom it is a duty to kill their captors. To be sure, Sheehy’s target group would not include the three women who made such a hash of their testimonies at the Ghomeshi trial, since they were not in any way captive to Ghomeshi as the women she envisages are, nor did they experience extreme abuse.

But that hardly matters, because Sheehy’s thesis rests on the same foundational articles of faith regarding all women victims, of all male abuse, that the Ghomeshi trial has taken a jackhammer to: namely, that women never lie about abuse and that the justice process is biased toward men.

She has been proved wrong on both counts.

To begin with the second myth: Handbooks for police across the country reflect the feminist vision of women that Sheehy embraces. In fact a decade ago some lawyers launched a human rights complaint against Alberta Justice over their “Handbook for police and prosecutors” dealing with domestic violence (the twin gender crime to sexual assault) because it portrayed men always as perpetrators and women always as victims throughout its 160 pages, and because the concepts of “innocent until proven guilty” and “proof beyond a reasonable doubt” didn’t make a single appearance in all those pages.

The guiding principle of the handbook was that women must be believed and supported. Even in cases where abuse was known to be bilateral, the Handbook insisted that – contrary to the law – the police must charge the “dominant aggressor” – i.e. lay charges against the man.'

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All accused in sexual assault cases should be protected just like the complainant. No man should have his life ruined by a female who is made at him and will do anything and everything to get back at him. Society should be giving the accused just as much privacy protection as the accuser. If they are later found guilty, then society can know their name, but until then, they have the right to have their name protected. Time and time again I've seen men accused of such crime and then after they lose their careers, relationships and are scorned by society, they are found innocent. Enough is enough. Ghomeshi can never be properly compensated for the damage done to him by these lying, conniving female scum who set out to destroy him. No man should ever have to go thru that and don't think it can't happen to you, because it is just a matter of time before it happens to to you or a male you know. Society has spent thousands of years hiding women, protecting women, catering to women and believing they are beyond reproach. PUH! Our laws need to reflect reality. Women have equal rights, well it's time for equal responsibilities and our laws need to reflect that, especially in the area of sexual assault laws.

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