Poll: Women Support the Idea of Women in the Military, But Not if They’re Drafted

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although a majority of women believe that women should, theoretically, be allowed to serve in the military, less than half of women support the idea of women actually having to be forced to serve if there is a draft.

A YouGov poll asked 1,000 Americans, including approximately 500 women, what they think about women serving in the military.

The poll found 68 percent of women support the idea of women being allowed to serve in combat roles in the military (40 percent “strongly support” the idea while 28 percent “somewhat support” it), while 87 percent of women support the idea of women being allowed to serve in non-combat roles (61 percent “strongly support” the idea while 26 percent “somewhat support” it).

However, despite the poll showing 75 percent of women believe men and women are equal, only 46 percent of women said women should be able to be drafted along with men.

Asked, “If the military draft were reinstated, would you favor or oppose drafting women as well as men?” only 19 percent of women claimed to “strongly favor” the idea while 27 percent said they “somewhat favor” the idea.'

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. . . the women who oppose women being drafted if they support men being drafted.

I guess they didn't bother because we all know what their answer would be.

This is yet another example of the "it's not a problem until it affects women and girls" effect.

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Of course women do not support women being drafted. Why would they? Women want equal rights (in reality they want to be treated as "special" and have been since the dawn of time), but not equal responsibilities. Why would any woman want to be forced to go to war and risk being shot or maimed or killed? No thanks. As a woman, I will shriek til the cows come home in my demands for the right to being a marine or whatever else in the military because they pay better, but hey, when push comes to shove, I'm fine staying at home where I'm safe. Women keep demanding special treatment now that they receive equal rights and not being drafted is just one more example. I say all women should be drafted right alongside men. If you want to fix the problems of women, who are NOT equal to men, in the armed forces; just put them in their own units. All female units. It will solve all the problems. Personally, I'd like to see a time where women are drafted to fight wars and men get to stay at home, but that'll never happen. Of course there are significant biological reasons why that never should happen, but in today's day and age, common sense means nothing when compared to "women's rights".

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