UK: Hire more women or lose your bonus, senior bankers are told

Story here. Excerpt:

'Senior bankers could see their bonuses slashed if they fail to appoint enough women to top jobs.

A series of proposals to stamp out inequality in the workplace will be announced by a Government-backed task force today.

The report found that women occupy only 14 per cent of top financial service jobs. The sector employs more than two million people.

A key recommendation is that financial services firms such as banks and insurance companies link the bonuses of bosses to the number of women they appoint in senior roles.

Companies will also be asked to sign up to a voluntary charter, pledging to promote ‘gender balance’.

They will have to commit to putting one senior executive in charge of gender diversity, setting internal targets and publishing their progress on an annual basis.

Four firms, Lloyds, Barclays, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland have already signed up.'

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when are they going to put in place legislation to ensure that female-dominated jobs hire and promote more men?


Yeah, that's what I thought!

I wish that it did go both ways though. It wouldn't take long for one to realize that these gender imbalances are overwhelmingly due to lack of interest and incompatibility with preferred lifestyles.

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