"Straight, white men don’t deserve sympathy"

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first couple paragraphs, then click the likeliest search result(s). Excerpt:

'I see them on the weekends. Playing golf, usually. Or else cycling, or surfing, while their wives are busy, still being Mum.

I see how they have children, without having to carry or deliver them. Or feed them, or find the child care centre, or the school (unless it’s the old, all-boys school, with the stunning facilities.)

I see how their heads aren’t filled with shopping lists, the week’s family dinner menu, lunch box ideas, what day is Jane’s dance class, and her teacher’s name. I see how they don’t have to worry about getting the kids to parties this weekend, or if they do, only after they’ve been told where exactly to go, and who to take, at what time, for what purpose.

How Christmas would still happen, even if they didn’t lift a finger, not even to buy presents for their own mothers.
How they could always vote, always work, always go into the bank and get a loan; always go to school to learn to read; work in any profession; and how easy it’s always been for them to get promoted, and then become the boss, and I think: oh, bless them for feeling like victims. Really, that takes some hide.'


Wikipedia on the author here.

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"How they could always vote"

LOL. Is she for real?

No, dear, it was rich, land-owning men, and women for that matter, that had the original vote. It was also men who had to die for that right to be granted to the commoner.

Also, in relationships where the man does not have to worry about the house or the children, how much are you willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of the time the woman is responsible for little to none of the bills?

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