All Marines to Get 'Unconscious Bias' Training as Women Join Infantry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marines across the Corps will be challenged on their unconscious prejudices and presuppositions as women get the opportunity to become grunts for the first time.

The Marine Corps is rolling out mandatory training for all Marines before the first future female rifleman hits boot camp, aiming to set conditions for a smooth transition and head off cultural resistance.
Topics include unconscious bias, which focuses on how people prejudge others based on factors such as race and gender, and principles of institutional change. The seminar will also walk officers through the elements of the Corps' plan for opening ground combat jobs to women and include vignettes featuring challenges units might encounter.'

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Have passed the physical tests. Guess they'll have to lower the standards.

I also wonder how many women will actually sign up for combat. Probably not enough, it will be the men's fault, and something will have to be done to make women feel more welcome in the Corps.

You know, it's unconscious bias or something.

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