Wed Night Chat: Big Sister is Watching

Dan Lynch writes "'BIG SISTER IS WATCHING' will be the topic. Im amazed at the turn of events; personally, I think its good publicity all around. Can't wait for Oprah to do a segment, myself. Here is a good article on the debacle of government funded feminism to go after men's activists. "Make sure you read to the bottom after the long list of names cited by the Canadian Feminists. The other links are up and running now. "
and "Here. It's a move in censorship that would make Stalin proud and Orwell protesting. Of course the the feminists rely on the oldies but goldies of 'abuse' and 'sex crimes' along with women's oppression as their reasoning factors. And as usual with those crimes its always their word and their word alone that is the convicting factor. With so many closed courtrooms and unconstitutional trials the public will never know until its to late. Its also difficult for embarassed men to fight the system that has degraded them so much publicly without fair treatment. I find it astonishingly interesting that those are the crimes in which rules of evidence are very different than regular trials. Here is another link that I feel coincides with all of this. The author asks why there is "double standards."
Your input at the chat is important and a greater understanding of what's happening here is needed. "Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4"

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