Open your eyes, ladies, girl power is not about demonising men

Article here. Excerpt:

'If a non-gender-specific fairy offered me a wish it would be that we abandon the type of helpless feminism that seems to be emerging. This kind of feminism enshrines victimhood and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists. This kind of feminism thinks that the simplistic answer is that men are wrong and women are right, and allows women to whine and exaggerate wrongs. The current policing of sex, the hysteria that male students are pillaging university campuses and the demand for consent workshops, rest on the assumption that all men are potential rapists and therefore women are doomed to live as victims. Some modern feminists also don't want to engage in aspects of life they disagree with. Instead, they want to silence what they don't like through censorship and criminalisation. They avoid debate and launch Twitter wars on anybody with diverging views. They want the entire world to be their own 'safe space' and it's a sad departure from what real girl power should be about.'

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Demonizing and criminalizing men silences men.

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