International Women’s Day Explained For Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'First up: What are women?

Long-standing assumptions about the difference between men and women have been eroded in recent decades, as we begin to understand how our traditional notions of both biological sex and social gender roles impose artificial binaries on a far more fluid reality.

However, as a broad rule of thumb: Women are like men, but with better personalities, deeper friendships, and structural disadvantage imposed by societal norms.

But wait: Why do they need a whole day to themselves?

This may seem like overkill! Why should just 49.6% of the world’s population get a whole 0.27% of the year’s days to themselves? Women can often be greedy in this way, like when they live to be older than men, hogging all the life.'

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I think I saw that figure somewhere--that there are something like 52 different genders.

I guess that means we should a day for each of them. For example, we could have a Caitlyn Jenner day and an Ellen DeGeneres day and so on. IWD seems to imply binary sexuality--which we all know is not the case, at least not anymore. So to be fair, we need a day for all possible genders. Why are women so special that they get their own day but other genders do not. Well, there is an IMD, which gives feminists a special day to bash men.

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