Missouri professor refuses to accept firing

Story here. Excerpt:

'A University of Missouri professor who was fired for trying to block a journalist from recording a campus protest is fighting back.

Melissa Click appealed the decision and is now getting support from the American Association for University Professors.

The AAUP announced Monday that it would be investigating Click's firing.

Click, an assistant professor of communications, said she was pleased by the news. She maintains that she was fired without due process when the university's Board of Curators "overstepped their authority."

According to a university spokesperson, Click was fired for failing to meet the standards expected of faculty members.'

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Lack of due process?

There's something ironic about a female professor demanding due process when she wanted to deny the rights of a journalist who wanted to film a protest on a campus where due process is likely denied to men accused of sexual assault.

Some snowflakes are more special than others.

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