Feminist Internet: Men Proposing to Women Is Rape Culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a piece in the feminist blog Bustle, the tradition of men proposing women is “problematic” because it “perpetuates rape culture.”

Yes — not “problematic” because it perpetuates recklessly emotional social media posts, but because it “perpetuates rape culture.”

"The stereotype that men must get women to date them or marry them or sleep with them and that it’s up to women to respond can be problematic — not just because it discourages women from going after what they want, but also because it encourages men to pursue what they want at a woman’s expense,” Suzannah Weiss writes in a piece titled “6 Marriage Traditions That Reinforce Rape Culture.”

“Putting what men pursue over what women want perpetuates rape culture,” she continues.'

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... to quash the tradition of men being the proposers of marriage (typically at the behest, explicit or not, of potential brides!)

The entire "marriage problem" for men will then be solved. No more marriages, meaning no more nasty child custody male-shafting/onerous divorce terms against men.

Yes, stop this evil oppressive tradition of men proposing marriage to women. Please. :)

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Maybe not the biggest, but up there with "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."

That lie is that marriage is something men force women into. If anything, it's the other way around: marriage is something women try to force men into. One way to do that is to get pregnant. At one time, a girl's father might try to use a shotgun to force the boyfriend to marry his pregnant daughter.

But it was necessary precisely because the boyfriend had to be convinced. Men have to be convinced to marry. That's because for the man, marriage is a true commitment. Today, for the woman, it's just a test drive.

When a man proposes marriage, he traditionally gets down on his knees. He's the supplicant, the beggar hoping for her hand. We've all seen the movie where the bad guy presumes the woman will marry him without ever bothering to ask. He's the bad guy for that reason.

Now, of course, if women want to take the initiative and ask men on dates and pay for them and initiate sex and do the proposing, fine by me. They can then risk rejection and be charged with sexual harassment and rape, just as men are. If a woman initiates sex and does not get the man's consent, she can go to jail. It would be the "new rape culture."

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then the gov. would just find another way for women to get men's $$. they already have hundreds of gov. programs, just for women, and sometimes minorities. woman just got a 50+ million $$ lawsuit award for a guy peeping at her through a hole. OH THE HORROR! many of the commenters pointed out that the creep would never pay much, if anything. the major hotel chain will be the one to feel the pain here. probably put that particular hotel oob. oh the beauty of deep pockets. such an honorable 'profession'.

then there is the joke that is divorce court, and the c.s. automatic w/o any top end ($$$). let's not forget alimony, and permanent alimony, which can be debilitating (just ask Robbin Williams, oh wait, you can't). ask his best friend. he said it was all Robbin could talk about. he was paying multiple x-wives and this one was headed for the rocks as well. that's why he was doing everything he could to bring in cash. just look at his unbelievable schedule. little to no mention in the press of any of this, of course.

then there are the millions(?) of men paying for other men's children, primarily due to that marriage contract. false accusations and their use as hammers in courts just lends even more prestige to the oh so venerable law profession (tic).

i'll stop there. 'there are (many) more, little brother.'

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Steinem said that a "woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." That was a supposedly brave statement about female independence. Women don't need men. They can take care of themselves.

Of course, a lot of women just shifted their dependence to the government--which,in fact, is indirect dependence on men.

I suspect, however, that women truly fear being completely independent and having to take care of themselves. They like to make their own choices--but they still expect other people(men or the government) to pay for those choices.

I suspect daveinga is right: the government will always find ways to make men pay for women. Women like to talk a big game about independence, but they fear paying the price that comes with independence--paying their own way. They prefer to make their own choices while forcing others to pay for them. And the government is happy to accommodate them, as long their votes are dependable.

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