On 'period leave': Ladies, suck it up and go to work

Article here. Excerpt:

'It sounds like an excuse a character from "Mad Men" would come up with to avoid hiring a woman: claiming she can't do the work because she would need several days off each month due to her menstrual cycle.

Yet that is precisely what a company in Bristol, U.K., is doing. The organization, called Coexist, which manages event spaces, isplanning to offer paid leavefor women who are on their periods. The company, which employs 24 women and seven men, believes that giving women the paid time off for their periods doesn't make a business unproductive, but allows women to "synchroniz[e] work with the natural cycles of the body," according to Company Director Bex Baxter.
Surely, informing other employers that women aren't very productive when it's that time of the month will be a major win for women's equality and advancement in the workplace.

And yet article after article has been written praising this policy. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Women complain of unequal treatment from their male colleagues, that they face discrimination in the workplace and that they can do anything that men can do. This strikes me as an acknowledgement that we can't.'

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I remember when arguments were made about how women should not bear certain responsibilities because of their behavior during that time of the month. For example, should a woman have her hand on the nuclear trigger during her period. Women denied it was that big a deal, that it didn't affect them that much.

I just recently saw an article about "myths" men believe about women. One was the "myth" that a woman's period doesn't affect her that much, that's it easy for women to handle. The article wanted to make it clear how much her period affected a woman. It was, indeed, a big deal and men should understand that. This company apparently agrees.

Unfortunately, this doesn't disqualify Hillary, as she's past the period in her life.

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A whole lot.

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remember when the hag was running for the big seat last time? remember a commercial where she asked the question about 'who would you want in charge when that late night call comes in'?

seems to me that she has already had her late nite call. it was a call from heroes in Benghazi, and exactly how did she perform? well, actually, due to her lack of familiarity w/ the truth, we may never know the whole truth. one thing we do know though. she was sos and response teams nearby that could have made a diff were told to stand down, and people died. their dead bodies were abused, and then w/ a straight face she lied to the families w/ a made up phony-baloney, Disney-like story about a video (w/ very few hits) that had stirred up the problem causing all the problems. then they put the video producer in prison, for a long time.

if she gets elected it will be because women and minorities voted her in, just as they did our present pos potus, proving once again how much they love their country. lol

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There are lots of reasons not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi. E-mails. Bill the serial rapist, enabled by the Hildebeast, whose coattails she rode to become a prominent politician.

I read a letter to the editor recently that said she would be a good role model for young women, showing they too could hope to be president one day.

But she's in fact a very bad role model for young women.

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