Madonna using child abduction laws in an attempt to force Guy Ritchie to return Rocco to New York

Story here. Excerpt:

'Madonna is using child abduction laws in an attempt to force ex-husband Guy Ritchie to return their 15-year-old son to her in New York.

The singer, 57, is using the Hague Convention to bring to an end the bitter custody battle over Rocco.

The teenager is living with the Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels director in London and has so far ignored his mum’s requests to go home.

Now Madge has launched a case against the film producer, 47, at the family division of the High Court under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

She has also brought a case at the Family Court in New York.

But sitting in the High Court in London yesterday Mr Justice MacDonald told the couple to sort out the problem themselves.

He said it was his “fervent hope” that the singer and film producer could have discussions and reach an “amicable resolution” without further use of the courts.'

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I don't know all the details or who is the better parent, but I do know typical teenagers. Rocco is nearly 16. He is now in high school and lives with his dad, step mom and 3 siblings. Madonna gave up her share of custody when she went on tour (2 years ago, I think). Madonna claims she is the stricter parent and Rocco just wants to be with his dad because she describes her ex as being more relaxed about rules. Some reports indicate Madonna and Rocco are not on the best terms.

I do know that if you let teens decide what parent to be with, they will always choose the less strict parent - that's why I don't side with people who say "let the teen choose." However, I side with Guy Ritchie in this situation for several reasons.

At this age kids don't want to be moved around (safe to say at any age, they would not like inter-national uprooting). It is not fair to do to the child. He is probably established in high school and doesn't want to leave his peers (switching high schools is rough). Guy Ritchie did request the courts to allow his son to finish at his current high school.

Madonna did not have to go on tour, it was her choice. if she needed money, She could have just downgraded her lifestyle. She should have considered the impact of her son and his age and foreseen the complexity of uprooting a teenager during his second year of high school.

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