Tina Fey Complains It is a ‘Terrible Time’ for Female Comedians

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite her many recent successes, actress and comedian Tina Fey argues in a recent interview that now is a “terrible time” for women in comedy.
Added the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot star: “If you were to really look at it, the boys are still getting more money for a lot of garbage, while the ladies are hustling and doing amazing work for less.”'

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... all the way to the bank, Tina. Think of all the friends you just made bashing male comedians categorically, too.

Really, "the boys" only produce trash?

She's a funny comedienne. Stupid, but funny.

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I am a little surprised she would write this.
And I have to chalk it up to whether she was drunk, or perhaps no longer funny, (I have been out of the US for awhile now and have not heard her recently.)

She was funny once.
So is Ellen
And Amy Poehler

Amy Schumer is NOT funny.

Here's the criteria for me. The ONLY thing that makes a comedian (male or female) funny is when they make fun of themselves.

Ellen, Tina, Poehler make fun of themselves.
Schumer makes fun of men.
Schumer has that right, but she is not funny -- it comes across as anger.

And the same with men.
Men who make themselves the object of humor are funny.
The rest are not.

So I am surprised Tina would whine like this.

And as for men making more money. Wow, I mean... criticize your audience, why don't you. You cannot force people to laugh by writing Title IX regulations.

Wow, I guess Tina is losing it.
I am sorry to have read this.

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