The Consent Debate: College Students, Experts, Activists Discuss Sexual Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'C.D. Mock, a former head wrestling coach at the University of North Carolina, also shared his story and said he was there to represent the accused.

“Where does consent start and where does it end? I don’t know,” said Mock. “Let’s remember we are dealing with young people, many of whom are very inexperienced, there’s alcohol around without supervision.”

Mock has become a loud and vocal critic of the effectiveness of what some call the “Consent Movement” after his son was accused of sexual assault in his junior year of college. He explained that ever since the government cracked down on schools that did not comply with a federal mandate to more seriously address sexual assault complaints, that he believed over-correcting had been done in favor of accusers.

“We need to make sure that the solutions that we come up with are fair solutions to everyone. If we’re swinging the pendulum too far in one direction," Mock cautioned, “We’re in dangerous territory.”'

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All guys have smartphones. Guys need to audio record all sexual episodes to have proof of affirmative consent and proof that such consent was not removed before completion of the Sex act. The recording need to be stored on a cloud service for safety. Further, if any ugly woman touch a man in a sexual manner (stroke chest or feel bicep) she need to be reported to the police for sexual assault immediately and charges need to be forced. All women need to be charged with unwanted sexual offences. Once the police and government see just how many women are touching up men in comparison to men touching women, we will see a definite change in government perception of who is assaulting who.

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This wasn't a debate. It was an infomercial for the feminist left. The elephant in the room was the sextist premise that women consent and men seek consent.
This premise is based on the feminist core principle of the paternalist imposition of power and authority by all men over women. That is, men do to women and women are done to.
Therefore, men seek consent from women, but women do not seek consent from men.
This principle allows the left to reframe consent as a gendered law. When two people who are drunk have sex, the women being drunk makes her incapable of consent while the man being drunk is considered no defense to accusations of rape.
Without this feminist reframing, the question would be, could either party consent. This gendered approach illicits very little resistance in the Courts as it is a kick back to the days when the laws of rape and sexual assault were in fact gendered (only a few decades ago). There were no laws against women sexually assaulting anyone, including children, as it was inconceivable that women were capable of such an act. It was on the basis of many examples of women committing these heinous acts that the laws were changed to be specificly non-gendered. This is why the left tries so hard to shut down any non-gendered discussion of consent, it would undermine the gendered reframing of the laws of rape and sexual assault.
So expecting responsible behaviour from women and men at parties and events where alcohol is consumed, is not victim blaming. Its more about working out who the real victim is.

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