Does The Word ‘Rape’ Really Carry Any Impact Anymore?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'You rape the soil. You rape conquests of war. You rape women. You sew rape. You snog-rape. You rape with your eyes. You date rape. The press rape you. Simulated rape-fucks. S&M porn stars accusing each other of rape. You Frape.

Does ‘rape’ really have the impact it used to have?

Rape is a word that women use a lot. Men don’t use the word as much outside of jocular jest, extreme insult and agriculture/logging. When women tend to use the word rape, it seldom refers to the definition of rape. Few women know what rape actually feels like. Yet women repeatedly refer to any annoyance or intrusion in their life as the feeling of being raped.

Charlize Theron reported feeling raped by the press. This was surprising, since having played the role of a rape victim in a film and won an Oscar for the role, Charlize still did not comprehend the difference between an actual violent sexual assault and a story in the press about her.'

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