Joe Biden to Introduce Lady Gaga at the Oscars for Sexual Violence Presentation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden will introduce Lady Gaga this Sunday at the 88th Academy Awards.

The Los Angeles Times reports Biden, who will be in attendance for the ceremony with his wife Jill, will introduce the singer for a performance of her song “Til It Happens to You,” which will include a presentation aimed a combating sexual violence.

After introducing the singer, the vice president will reportedly ask viewers and members of the audience to visit and take a pledge to intervene in cases of sexual assault.

Biden, who was main author of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act while he was in the Senate, has called for college presidents to help end campus sexual violence.

Lady Gaga’s song “Til It Happens to You” and an accompanying PSA aimed at warning young women of the dangers of campus sexual assault, was released last September.'


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